Career and Technical Education (CTE) focuses on providing students with hands-on, skill-based education that prepares them to move into the workforce or on to the next level of their education journey.
In Weakley County Schools, students can start taking CTE courses as early as the 6th grade. These courses are designed to help our students connect the learning that takes place in their academic classes to how they will use those skills in their future careers. Our students have access to Career Coaches that help to expose them to a wide variety of career options and training on how to prepare an education plan to reach their career goals. During the spring semester of the students’ eighth grade year, WCS students will begin choosing the program of study that helps prepare them to achieve their career goals.
Starting their freshman year, high school students will learn and grow within the program of study that they choose. Students will start with an entry level CTE course that will lay the foundation, and they will build on that each year. As students move into the more advanced courses, they can take advantage of early post-secondary opportunities such as dual enrollment, industry certifications, and our work-based learning program. WCS has quality post-secondary partners that work with us to provide our students access to these career advancing opportunities. The Career Coaches in our high schools are continuously building our list of community partners that provide learning opportunities for our students through guest speakers, field trips, and work-based learning partners. Students have more opportunities than ever before to advance themselves on their career path before they walk across the stage at graduation.